107ο Podcast

Καλεσμένος του Podcast  “Όλα είναι δρόμος”  είναι ο δρομέας, υπερμαραθωνοδρόμος, επιχειρηματίας και συγγραφέας, ο Ελληνοαμερικανός Κωνσταντίνος Καρνάζης ή αλλιώς “Ultra Marathon Man”.


Ο Dean Karnazes έχει χαρακτηριστεί από το περιοδικό ΤΙΜΕ ένας από τους εκατό πιο επιδραστικούς ανθρώπους στον κόσμο και έχει αγωνιστεί σε κάποιους από τους σημαντικότερους αγώνες σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο.

Ο Ελληνοαμερικανός θρύλος των υπεραποστάσεων και συγγραφέας παγκόσμιων μπεστ σέλερ έχει σπρώξει το σώμα και το πνεύμα του σε αδιανόητα όρια. Το 2006 έτρεξε πενήντα μαραθώνιους, σε πενήντα πολιτείες των ΗΠΑ, σε πενήντα συνεχόμενες μέρες, έχει κερδίσει το Παγκόσμιο πρωτάθλημα υπερμαραθωνίου δύο φορές, το 2005 και το 2008, έτρεξε 4.800 χιλιόμετρα σε 75 μέρες (Ντίσνεϊλαντ Λος Αντζελες – Νέα Υόρκη) τρέχοντας κάθε μέρα περίπου 80 χιλιόμετρα, το 2004, διένυσε 238 χιλιόμετρα σε 24 ώρες σε κυλιόμενο διάδρομο και έχει τρέξει συνεχόμενα 563 χιλιόμετρα, απόσταση που ισοδυναμεί με περισσότερους από 13 μαραθωνίους, χωρίς ύπνο, σε τρεις ημέρες.

Επίσης η λίστα συνεχίζεται αφού από τα επιτεύγματά του ως διεθνώς αναγνωρισμένου αθλητή αγώνων υπεραντοχής εντυπωσιάζουν και ξεχωρίζουν η συμμετοχή του σε αγώνες δρόμου και στις εφτά ηπείρους, ο τερματισμός του στον υπερμαραθώνιο 217 χιλιομέτρων της Κοιλάδας του Θανάτου υπό θερμοκρασίες που άγγιζαν τους 50 βαθμούς Κελσίου, αγώνα που το 2004 τον κέρδισε και η ολοκλήρωση ενός μαραθώνιου στον Νότιο Πόλο σε θερμοκρασία 40 βαθμών υπό το μηδέν.

Η δημοφιλία του Καρνάζη στις ΗΠΑ αποτυπώνεται και από το γεγονός ότι επί προεδρίας Ομπάμα, η Μισέλ Ομπάμα τον είχε καλέσει στον Λευκό Οίκο το 2011, στο πλαίσιο μίας ενέργειας ώστε να δραστηριοποιούνται περισσότερο τα μικρά παιδιά για να αποφύγουν ένα από τα μεγαλύτερα προβλήματα στη χώρα, την παχυσαρκία.

Έχει πάρει αμέτρητα βραβεία, ενώ έχει γράψει και βιβλία για την εμπειρία του μέσα από τους υπερμαραθώνιους. Τα βιβλία του συμπεριλαμβάνονται στις λίστες των New York Times, ενώ ο “Υπερμαραθωνοδρόμος” ήταν το έβδομο σε πωλήσεις αθλητικό βιβλίο παγκοσμίως το 2005, και έχει μεταφραστεί σε δεκάδες γλώσσες.

Με τον Ντιν Καρνάζη θα αναφερθούμε σε στιγμές της πλούσιας αθλητικής του καριέρας, στο συγγραφικό του έργο και πόσο αυτό έχει επηρεάσει τους δρομείς σε όλο τον κόσμο.

Τα κυριότερα σημεία της συνέντευξης στο  Podcast “Όλα είναι δρόμος”  με τον  Kωνσταντίνο Καρνάζη.

13:00 Normally and what I usually do, is to give the floor to my guest by explaining us who is he and what he does, so the audience will be more familiar with him. This time things are a little bit different. My guest is Dean Karnazes and only by mentioning your name we all know who you are. In fact, I could say I need a whole episode only mentioning all the great achievements you have succeed in all these years of your extraordinary career.

16:35 So, Dean where are your parents from and how often do you visit Greece?

18:38 Personally I have read all your books, at least the ones that I know and have been published here in Greece. How many books did you write?

19:05 The first one the Ultra Marathon Man, motivated me so much that I started running Ultra Marathons.

19:56 In fact I know that you have already said that “I love surfing, rock climbing, cycling – all that stuff. But it’s just amazing that I can inspire people with my running. It’s humbling, really.”

21:08 The second one is my favorite one and I can easily say that I fell in love with your book the Road to Sparta. I would highly recommend all the listeners to read this book, well not only this but all of your books, but especially this one as I said is my favorite one, because you combine the Greek history with your adventure to run from Athens to Sparta.

23:27 Also I was surprised because all these hours of running your fuel loading was based in fruits and ingredients that the ancient Greeks would also find in a similar way. How did you come up with this idea to run in a similar way the ancient Greeks did?

26:23 You wrote “I had set out to find Pheidippides, and in the process I found myself.

27:13 Ok we all know your remarkable list of running accomplishments—including running an ultramarathon across Death Valley in 50-degree heat, running to the South Pole in -40 degrees, and running 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 consecutive days and in so many other races but would you consider Spartathlon one of the greatest Ultra races in the world?

28:33 The third one which I have recently read is the Runner’s High – My life in motion. Let’s talk about your book. Can you please give us a brief summary about your book and what inspired you to write this book?

30:02 What is your favorite part in the entire book, which one is your favorite chapter, what is all about and why?

30:55 The first section of this book says that Endurance doesn’t sleep. What do you mean by this?

31:32 Of course there are a lot of interesting things you can find in your latest book, but personally I’ve picked some quotes from the book that spoke to me. Would you like to comment on each of these quotes?

31:45 Running an ultra is simple; all you have to do is not stop

32:08 I didn’t run to live longer; I ran to live fuller.

32:43 Beating others was never a primary motivation.”

33:52 Since I mentioned the quotes here are some of your famous quotes and I would like you to comment on these. Well if someone search on internet he can find a lot of interesting things you have said, but personally I picked up some of them. You ‘ve said “I’ve raced on all seven continents at least twice. I’ve probably run thousands of races. But the single race that I’m most proud is a 10K. Yes, a 10K. I ran it with my daughter on her 10th birthday.”

34:53 You ‘ve said something that I am pretty sure applies to all runners. “I think I have some of my clearest thoughts when I’m out running.”

35:45 Any goal worth achieving, involves an element of risk.

36:45 If you just go out there and run 100 miles, it breaks down a lot of barriers in terms of self-imposed limitations.

38:55 , I want to get back to where all started, for people who don’t know the story and going back years ago to your 30th birthday. Can you please tell us how and when did you become a runner? OK, I know there is a funny story behind this question and the audience would love to listen it.

42:28 How is your daily routine?

43:55 You said you don’t like or you avoid seating on a chair or on a couch. You don’t sit at all during the day. Sitting to you is the devil.

44:15 I know you have a great dietary motto: “Real food forms the basis of my diet; if it comes from a plant, I eat it, if it’s made in a plant, I don’t.”. Do you want to tell us some things?

45:45 How important is nutrition for runners?

46:45 Do you follow a specific nutrition plan before important races?

47:27 And what about coffee? Are you a big fan?

47:52 Do you consider the strength training as Vital for Marathon and Ultra-Marathon runners?

48:32 Does strength training improve and the running performance as well?

49:04 Give us some tips for strength training.

50:48 Do you ever get injured?

51:08 How much is the percentage of your body fat?

51:28 Lowering your body fat percentage can help you achieve your best run time?

52:37 Why are ultramarathons so special and what is this that makes you run long distances?

54:05 Is consistency important and can this improve you as a runner?

54:51 Do you think that running is part of who we are as humans?

55:00 What has been your most challenging race to date?

55:55 Do you ever wonder if we really have limits?

56:09 What motivates Dean Karnazes to keep running?

56:38 In your new book, you are touching the element that you are getting old and you are not as fast as you used to be. How do you face the new reality?

57:40 Did you ever count or do you know how many marathons and Ultra-Marathons have you run in your 30 years’ career?

58:00 Did they ever ask you to sign a book or to give an autograph as you racing?

58:32 What advice do you have for first time Marathon and Ultra-Marathon Runners?

59:16 Which is your favorite place to run?

01:00:55 You inspire a lot of people around the world but who inspires you?

01:04:00 What makes you superhuman, and what keeps you going?

01:04:40 What’s next for you?

01:05:55 Do you want to say some things how you are helping everyday runners experience the magic and legacy of running in Greece?
Can you share more about your latest running project with launching Greek Running Tours? Running in Greece

01:08:33 Why run a marathon?

01:09:40 In a few days on 25th of March the Greeks are celebrating their independence day. Do you want to wish or say something?

Κωνσταντίνος Καρνάζης


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