6th Podcast

Podcast Guest “It's a long road” is the runner and coach Yiannis Vafiadis. With Giannis, we will have an interesting discussion on topics related to amateur runners and we will refer to training programs, nutrition, running concepts and we will extensively analyze terms and questions that everyone involved in running may have.


My guest today is the runner and coach Yiannis Vafiadis. Giannis wrote the book "Long Distance Endurance Training" with training programs for distances from 3 to 100 kilometers. His goal is to help athletes and athletes, coaches, and in general people who deal, or want to deal, with it long distance endurance training. With Giannis, we will have an interesting discussion on topics related to amateur runners and we will refer to training programs, nutrition, running concepts and we will extensively analyze terms and questions that everyone involved in running may have.

Highlights of the interview at PodcastsIt's a long road” with the runner and coach Yiannis Vafiadis.

1:35 – Is there a difference in training between athletes and non-athletes?

3:00 – If both models are correct, how would you answer the question Heart Rate Training vs. Cadence Training?

10:12 – What do we mean by endurance and how do we improve it?

11:52 – What is Maximum Aerobic Capacity (VO2max) and Maximum Aerobic Velocity (vVO2max) and how important are they in long distance runners?

14:38 – Since we are basically talking about long distance runners, what do we mean by Low Intensity Long Distance Aerobic Running or LSD (Long Slow Distance)? Is it different from the Long Run?

17:42 – How important are Long Runs and how long should they be?

21:00 – We get up for example on Sunday morning and we have to do a Long Run lasting for example 2 hours. Do we eat before training, but also during it?

25:20 – How important is carbohydrate intake and generally hydration and energy intake during the race, but also in our training sessions? If we take, for example, a 75kg, 1.73m runner who wants to run a marathon in about 3.45 what does he need in terms of energy and supplies?

27:38 – What do we mean by the expression "I fell into a wall"? How do we avoid it and how dangerous is it?

30:26 – What parts does a weekly workout consist of and what is the role of each workout?

32:00 – Who should be the weekly training volume?

33:30 – What is the orbital velocity at the lactate threshold?

37:00 – What are the main parameters that affect the performance in competitions lasting from 90 minutes to 5 hours?

39:48 – To create a training program, what factors are taken into account?

41:37 – If I want to run a Marathon, how early should I start and how will the training be generally distributed throughout this time?

44:53 – What is tapering or shaping? For example, let's take a runner who is preparing for a marathon.

47:55 – Is it beneficial to do some ergometric or is it not so important for amateur runners?

51:32 – Nutrition and sleep. How important are they?

54:16 – In closing, I would like to ask you where and how can someone find you?

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"Long Distance Endurance Training" Book

Book and E-book "Long Distance Endurance Training"

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