Podcast Guest “It's a long road” is the runner and biochemist Nikos Gutzourelas. Nikos is a Biochemist - Biotechnologist, graduate of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of the University of Thessaly, holder of a master's degree, but also a PhD in 'Biochemistry'. He has co-authored 29 publications in international scientific journals and is co-author of the book "Intermittent fasting and disease prevention». At the same time, he has presented scientific papers at Greek and International scientific conferences. For the last two years he has been a partner of Aegean Omiros College where he teaches in the undergraduate program of Dietetics.
With Niko we will have an interesting discussion, since we will refer to doping, prohibited substances and their effect on our body and finally to nutritional supplements and whether they generally have benefits for runners.
Podcast Interview Highlights “It's a long road” with the runner and Biochemist Niko Gudzourela.
07:10 Niko what are the food supplements; Are they necessary and especially for athletes?
14:54 Who may need nutritional supplements?
16:40 Are they considered anabolic or do they create unwanted side effects?
18:39 But if you do a good and balanced one diet why would you need supplements?
21:08 Then since with one pill of vitamin C I can have a multiple dose than if I eat an orange, then why don't we just take pills which in the end are also cheaper?
24:00 I have settled on two as food supplements. Omega 3 fats and vitamin C. Do you consider them necessary? If not, what would be good for a runner to consume?
I will ask a simple question. Why should I get it? jelly in a race; If I don't take I won't be able to run?
26:10 What is your opinion about her Carnitine;
28:25 What is doping?
29:35 What are the prohibited methods?
33:50 What is Blood Doping and Gene Doping?
41:55 Is blood transfusion considered doping? Can it be detected?
43:00 What do we mean by prohibited substances?
43:23 Who is WADA?
50:32 What is his role coach;
51:35 What are the reasons for the spread of anabolic steroids? Why do athletes dope?
55:10 Can someone who has not used doping substances test positive? For example from questionable quality food supplements?
57:00 So I, who run a Marathon in 3.30 hours, if I take a prohibited substance, what will it do to me? What will be her effect on the match?
58:20 What is the effect of these substances on our body both in the short term and in the long term?
01:03:22 What do you think about fat burners?
Interesting links:
Super Mouse Video Official
Nikos Gudzourelas
Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/nikgkoutz
FITME.NUTRIME: https://fitmenutrime.gr/
Everything is a road:
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website: https://olaeinaidromos.gr
website: http://georgiossavvidis.com/