122nd Podcast

Podcast Guest “It's a long road” is the long-distance runner Dimitris Chronis. Dimitris was born in 1951 in Ioannina and served for 34 years as a teacher in public high schools and high schools. For three decades and until the age of 48 he was a heavy smoker and overweight, as a result of which he developed shortness of breath and needed medical help. He did not aim for sports, but on the occasion of this negative development, he decided to protect his health.


Running became a way of life, until in 2002 he ran his first marathon, while later running abroad he managed to become a Six Star Finisher finishing the six longest marathons in the world. Since 2014 and now putting long distances in his life, he succeeded and finished twice, in 2017 and 2019 in the Spartathlon and became the oldest Greek to do so. 

He has the best Greek performance of 186 km in a 24h race, in 2019 at No Finish Line (NFL Athens) in the 65-70 age category.

Dimitris Chronis went from being an avid smoker to becoming a fanatical runner and ultramarathoner, thus setting the example that there are no impossible things as long as we persevere and believe in our goals and dreams. Through his feelings and experiences, through the successes and failures of his sports career, he tries to send positive messages to people of all ages to change their lifestyle and TURN towards sports.

With Dimitris Chronis we will have an interesting discussion after we will talk about his book entitled STROFI which was released some time ago, the purpose for which it was written, the long distances, the reasons and the motivation that some runners have to run such races , and for many other interesting topics concerning amateur runners.

Podcast Interview Highlights “It's a long road" with Dimitris Chronis.

11:45 Dimitris, I could say that you are a person who lived two lives. The pre-run one and the one after. Is not that right;

12:28 Taking things from the beginning, would you like to tell us a few words about yourself and what was the trigger to change your life? What made you start the changes?

13:33 How do you remember that period of sports inactivity? I mean how did you see other people playing a sport?

14:15 What do your friends or family say about these big girls? changes in life you?

14:46 When you started running and watching others do it, did you have any strange reactions?

16:11 Are there any people who have influenced you throughout this journey?

17:15 Do you remember your first fight and what was it like?

20:20 You also remember who was your most difficult race;

27:02 Dimitris, what is running for you? What does it offer you?

28:26 How many marathons have you run in total?

29:19 How was the experience of becoming 6 Star Finisher running them 6 biggest marathons in the world;

32:58 Is there a destination-race that impressed you?

35:51 What was it that brought you to ultra-distance and you were not satisfied with just running? What led you to this path?

38:47 What do the long distances;

40:25 Do you like to push yourself to your limits?

40:54 What are the feelings of finishing in a Spartathlon race? How did you experience the participations you had in this event?

42:51 You ran it three times Spartathlon. Why did you really repeat such a difficult undertaking to run again in the Spartathlon?

44:30 How do you feel about being the oldest Greek to complete the Spartathlon?

46:27 How much hard training does it take to be able to run such long races?

47:57 I would say the dream of every runner both in Greece and abroad is to run the Authentic Marathon of Athens, but that of Ultramarathoners is to run the Spartathlon. What magic do you think these two matches have?

50:21 There were periods of inactivity due to injuries;

51:54 What gives you the greatest lesson and strength? Defeat or victory?

52:50 Dimitris, you recently published a book entitled "The turning". Do you want to tell us a little bit about it?

53:38 What was the main reason for writing this book; What is its purpose?

54:43 Would you like to tell us where and how someone can find your book?

55:20 Is there a race you will be running in the near future? What are your next sporting goals?

55:56 Do you keep dreaming? I mean running-sports?

56:49 Is there a place you'd like to run that you haven't been able to so far?

58:16 I saw that you were recently one of the athletes who carried the Olympic Flame, as part of the Torch Relay for the "Paris 2024" Olympic Games. How was this experience for you?

59:22 What advice would you give to aspirants? marathon runners;

59:51 In closing, what would you like to say to friends who listen to the podcast or in general to people who hesitate to include sports in their lives, even in old age?

Dimitris Chronis
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Mountain routes of Voritsi 31 August 24, Heraklion Crete


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