95th Podcast

Podcast Guests "It's a long road” are the triathlete Alexandros Christodoulou and the runner Nikos Lambroulis.


Alexandros Christodoulou who is a type 1 diabetic, is a successful businessman, an active person in his daily life and active triathlete. He is the sales manager of the family juice business Christodoulou Family and he does not let diabetes stand in the way of his activities and dreams!

Nikos Lambroulis, who is a type 1 diabetic, has been involved in sports since he was a small child and sets the best example every day as he is an active amateur runner for young and long distance.

With Alexandros Christodoulou and Nikos Lambroulis we will have an interesting discussion since we will refer to the runners who suffer from type 1 diabetes, how this affects their sports activity and how much their involvement with running and sports affects them.

Podcast Interview Highlights “It's a long road” with Alexandros Christodoulou and Nikos Lambroulis.

Alexandros Christodoulou

14:45 To begin, would you like to tell us some things about yourself and what prompted you to start sports, specifically triathlon;

15:50 Why did you choose triathlon and not, let's say, something simpler like running or cycling individually for example?

18:10 How demanding a race is IRONMAN;

20:13 Also training how demanding is the triathlon;

23:00 Is it one of the three sports you love the most?

24:55 You have also done his classic route Marathon;

27:00 What has been your most difficult race to date?

30:20 Triathlon is certainly a very demanding event that often pushes athletes to their limits. What do you think makes people want to push themselves?

33:40 Alexander, how long have you been living with diabetes?

35:10 How important is it for people with diabetes today not to put the brakes on themselves?

36:00 Has technology helped everyone with diabetes?

38:05 How much does it affect you? diet you?

39:25 Can a person with diabetes be a successful businessman, father and athlete at the same time?

40:40 How important is support from the family environment?

43:17 Parents who have children with diabetes how to deal with it in relation to sports?

45:45 H Aerobic Exercise, such as running, usually reduces glucose, as muscles consume more glucose to produce energy. so during matches or training how can you check your health? How difficult is this to achieve?

48:00 Usually a diagnosis of a health problem is for some people an occasion to set new goals in their lives. Do you think this was true for you?

50:00 Is there a race you will participate in in the near future and in general for the year 2024 what are your new sporting goals?

52:15 Would you like to say something to all those listeners who suffer from diabetes and for some reason are afraid to engage in running and sports in general?

Nikos Lamproulis

57:00 Niko, starting and for the world to get to know you, would you like to tell us some things about yourself and what prompted you to start the run;

58:55 How difficult was the beginning and when you found out you have diabetes? How did you deal with it and in general how difficult was it to start running since there were specifics?

59:54 What exactly is diabetes mellitus and what exactly is type 1 diabetes?

01:02:28 How do you deal with it in your everyday life?

01:04:00 Has technology helped everyone with diabetes?

01:05:38 How much does it affect you? diet you?

01:06:48 How many injections should you do per day?

01:07:35 Do you allow those with type 1 diabetes to do running or sports in general?

01:09:10 Nico what is it for you run; What does it offer you?

01:10:00 Running on the asphalt or on the mountain?

01:03:58 How important is support from the family environment?

01:16:08 Are there companies or organizations that support you?

01:17:45 Parents who have children with diabetes how to deal with it in relation to sports?

01:19:30 During matches or trainings how can you check your health? How difficult is this to achieve?

01:21:00 You recently ran him too Athens Marathon. Do you want to tell us a little about your experience?

01:22:35 Would you like to say something to all those listeners who have diabetes and for some reason are afraid to take up running?

01:23:28 Is there a race you will be running in the near future? What are your next sporting goals?

Alexandros Christodoulou
Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/alexander.christodoulou.58

Nikos Lamproulis
Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/nicklabr


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