119th Podcast

"Podcast Guest"It's a long road” is the runner, biochemist and nutritionist Maria Kanaki. Since 2009, Maria has been a Biochemist - Biotechnologist, a graduate of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of the University of Thessaly. Also since 2013 he is a graduate of T.E.I. of Thessaly in the Science of Nutrition and Dietetics and holder of a master's degree in "Nutrition in Health and Disease". At the same time, she has published her papers in international scientific journals on topics related to antioxidants, biofunctional foods and the nutritional status of oncology patients.


Today she collaborates with sports academies and gyms in the field of nutrition education and monitoring, while in 2020 she founded her private office Fitme Nutrime where she daily serves the public as well as performance athletes in live and online sessions

With the Maria Kanaki we're going to have an interesting discussion, since she's going to answer all these questions that all of you listeners have sent us.

Podcast Interview Highlights “It's a long road” with the biochemist and nutritionist Maria Kanaki.

I would like in the episode with Kanaki, if you can ask her what approach she would have to a runner who insulin on a sugar curve, does it stay low throughout a 1.5 hour curve?

It would be interesting I think to ask about predisposed runners diabetes and insulin resistance, what should they watch out for nutritionally or when running and how does he suggest the nutrition should be during the races (And for people receiving treatment with glucophase).

You can ask about it iron; It's always below normal for me. The pathologist tells me to stop running. Obviously diet alone is not enough to make up for the losses.

Low hematocrit exercise and nutrition

Intermittent fasting and running!

Her opinion on intermittent fasting

We sometimes see that while doing the first time intermittent and it works, when you do it again you don't get the same results. Many, however, return to their original weight. Why is this happening;

I see many people abroad choose fasting, considering that they do not lose energy in the stomach, which function it performs during a journey. A new trend that I have not seen in Greece, anyway intermittent fasting has big gaps in its spread in Greece. But it would be interesting to hear a professional opinion.

For 2 years now I have been running every day fasted and in condition fasting 16 hours minimum (moderate intensity 1.5-3 hours). To what extent does this help the body to conserve glycogen in long ultra races? I've also noticed that when I don't run in a fasted state my energy during the run is noticeably lower, although the opposite should be the case. Is there any explanation? Thank you and good strength.

I would like to ask about the weight loss when the woman is on menopause.

My topic is: female runners in climacteric and menopause. Running and gymnastics in women generally after 45-50. Depending on the diet (eg can they run and follow the interval and low carb diet at the same time?). Are there any effects of running on aging? Is it speeding up or burdening? Have investigations been done?

I would generally like her opinion and information of course based on her experience regarding vegan nutrition, physical health and athletic performance (even high level see: Fotis Zisimopoulos/Scott Jurek/Vlad Ixel/Lewis Hamilton/Novak Djokovic/etc).

Sports and vegetarianism...what are the characteristics of an exclusively vegetarian diet that can support a runner (even when he/she is doing an ultra)?

They are important food supplements and how much do they affect an athlete's performance?

I have blood tests and everything is normal, do I need nutritional supplements (vitamins, magnesium, iron etc.)? How "normal" are you considered when you run 300+ kilometers a month? Should I be aiming to be in the upper range of normal on the tests? And how much does our body "empty" during exercise, is a good diet enough or do we ultimately need help to avoid cramps, injuries, etc. (I'm not talking about our nutrition during exercise, e.g. gels)? Age 47 although I think it applies to all ages.

What should it be? diet us after a big long run or a race (at least a half marathon)... I had read somewhere that the sudden increase in the glycemic index, even the banana they usually give at the end, is not good. What is good to focus on for recovery, nutritionally?

Nutritional information for optimal post-race recovery

What is the ideal percentage of macros for a runner? (carbs, protein, fat)

I eat chicken and carbs, no sweets (unless there's a reason) but I always feel down on diet…lean white meat carbs and rich veggies…
But when I eat red meat and some sweets or ice cream somewhat more "freely" in running nutrition I am turbo... and in performance...

I'm the type that from September to June I won't drink a single beer. But in the summer, after an INTENSE training session in HOT weather, either 10km or 20km, I DESPERATELY ask to drink beer and/or Coca Cola (sugar free)... What are the substances that the body looks for and finds in Coca Cola and beer?

What does he think about:
The gluten
The gluttony
Supplements in general
The chlorophyll
The amount of food per meal
Digestive enzymes as a supplement
Fasting only with water
Fruit eating in the summer

I would like to ask a very simple question that you, George, or someone from here, probably knows. Coffee before the race or training in the morning, what effect can it have?

Keto diet and running; Should it be avoided due to very low carb?

How should the per diem be adjusted? diet to meet the energy needs of work and training in the same day so that the training is efficient (adequate intake of nutrients and energy), that we do not deviate from our nutritional goals, but also that symptoms of fatigue/injuries do not appear over time?

What are the main sources of energy for the body (eg glucose, carbs, muscle, fat) and what understanding it means for an amateur athlete.

What kind of foods should an overweight athlete rely on (is it important, for example, to increase protein consumption or to preferably take it at certain times)?

Let's say an overweight athlete measures his blood sugar daily with a sensor or wearable (as this kind of thing tends to become fashionable). How could he use this data for training and matches.

A diet which will enhance fat burning

About the diet in the last week before the Marathon and specifically what we should eat during the last week and if possible if there is a way to avoid stomach problems during the race.

Good evening from Cyprus! I would like to ask what we can eat in between the main lunch for someone who works from 8 to 5:30 or so. I think it's important not to be drawn into unhealthy things to quench the hunger of the moment

My question for Maria Kanaki: snack and breakfast before the run I often read/hear peanut butter which is high in fat. is it the right choice to get the necessary energy during the Exercise?

To what extent are the carbohydrate protocols before half marathon & Marathon.

Does running break down muscle mass easily?

Can I have the same effect with natural foods vs gels, electrolytes, etc.?

What is the role of amino acids and what is their effect especially on long distances?

Is it possible to develop an intolerance (that did not exist before) to a food?

Is gel in LR indicated or not? Opinions differ.

Are the caffeine gels at the 5 and 10 km distances unnecessary?

Good morning! Is it better to run on an empty stomach in the morning or not? What do we eat after running?

Good evening, a question for Mrs. Kanaki. There are days when I feel like I can't wake up. I have energy for training etc. but there is a sleepiness, boredom. Is this related to diet? What could we eat for more of a boost beyond energy drinks or coffee on a more medium term basis.

Maria Kanaki
Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/maria.kanaki.12

Boulgaroktonou 8A – Larissa


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