62nd Podcast

Podcast Guest “It's a long road” is triathlete and coach Aris Myrkos. Aris is a Graduate of T.E.F.A.A. Komotini in 2011, majoring in coaching. He also holds a master's degree from the same institution since 2014, specializing in "Maximizing Athletic Performance & Performance". In the scientific field of aerobic exercise, he has written and participated in numerous studies which have been published in international conferences, while he has prepared two theses on aerobic interval training and its acute adaptations to human physiology.

Since 2015 he is a Ph.D. candidate of the Democritus University of Thrace in the field of ergophysiology and exercise physiology, with the aim of continuous development and finding new methods, techniques and knowledge to maximize sports performance and optimize training process.



With Aris we will have an interesting discussion after we will talk about the science of training by extensively analyzing various training models, we will talk about the basic elements of endurance training and we will refer to various technical terms such as shaping and interval exercises. Also with his help we will understand the role that lactic acid has in exercise while we will try to answer various listeners' questions.

Podcast Interview Highlights “It's a long road" by Ari Myrko

05:05 So starting off, would you like to tell us a few words about yourself and your involvement in Sports?

06:33 There is a difference between training and exercise?

07:27 Mars which we could define as its basic elements endurance training;

08:10 Would you like to tell us a few words about her Vo2Max and lactate thresholds;

10:10 Does age play a role?

11:23 H traffic economy plays a part;

11:58 But what is the difference? Aerobic with Anaerobic exercise and what is the purpose of each one?

14:55 My next question is I would say connected with the intoxicant, just to make it easier to understand I would like to talk a little about the interval training. What is; And what is it for?

16:23 So we are exercising at a very high intensity for a longer total time compared to the continuous method.

17:31 Based on what parameters is a interval training;

18:50 Does the time spent at high rates of VO2max matter?

20:10 Ari the next question comes based on a recent research you did as part of your PhD thesis and it has to do with whether interval training is superior to continuous high intensity training and in which areas. Tell us a little about your research?

23:28 How long did the whole investigation take?

23:58 Regarding the duration of interval training repetitions, what is the desired duration?

25:00 Oi endurance sports coaches what types of workouts are they based on? I mean is basically polarized training and pyramid training the types that coaches rely on, are there combinations of those or other types? For those who know the English terms, let me say that we are talking about her Polarized and Pyramidal Training. Is Polarized also known as “80/20”?

27:26 There is only one coaching approach which is correct?

28:05 What are the training zones in each of them defined by and in which is our training basically done?

30:08 What are the differences in these two types of training?

33:09 And since I mentioned the overuse syndrome, I would like to ask here if hard training always has the right results? And I'm referring more to overtraining syndrome.

35:17 And what are her symptoms overtraining;

37:14 Within a training process, as is well known, we have various cycles, periods of load and intensity, various sub-categories, but also shaping. What is the formation and how important is that?

38:44 How do we achieve this?

39:30 How many times in a year can one be formed Marathon athlete; Is there a limit?

39:55 Why the elite athletes do they choose to run fewer races per year? Why don't they run more?

41:13 Are there any mistakes that can possibly be made during formatting? In general, what should we pay attention to?

42:34 Many long distance athletes consider that the lactic acid, is responsible for fatigue and, by extension, reduced performance. Really what is the truth about this?

45:00 Why then was lactate so incriminated in the past?

46:10 Since it changes so much from rest to exercise, is it an important indicator then to exercise and see what happens?

47:38 How do we rejoin the training period after a Marathon race? For example we are caught and generally overwhelmed and no matter what we do we don't have that much appetite with so much pain in our body. Some talk about active recovery, i.e. with light training 2 days after the race, but also some about resting for a few days. Is there right and wrong here? What is the ideal for us? Is there a way to check how tired we are?

49:23 Can we tell how tired we are based on our resting heart rate?

50:35 When we say Off-Season training what do we mean and where should we focus?

51:31 Recently, in an article of yours that I read, you mention that the physical exercise it's kind of like an anti-depressant pill. Can physical exercise and by extension running combat the symptoms or even better eliminate depression? Could it also be classified as a type of psychotherapy?

53:00 What is the ideal exercise time to achieve this?

54:00 I also have some questions coming from fellow listeners:

54:20 One thing I would suggest you look into in the future is annuals or perennials training cycles. That is, how we train and why in between the preparations for the goal games.

55:55 What is the motivation that one must find to improve from week to week, not to stop running when the weather or conditions are difficult, for the consistency that must be observed, as well as how to combine it with difficult everyday life and work.

57:00 One of the listeners mentions that he adjusts his training based on heart rate zones after chronic medication such as beta blockers etc. There are quite a few of us who have been slapped and changed course. So what is the coaching approach for these cases and what are the risks?

58:50 Would you like to tell us a few words about the Science Training training platform?

01:00:10 We can for example see the training loads, the athlete's form, fatigue?

01:01:10 From a competitive point of view, what are you preparing to do?

01:03:30 In closing, I would like to ask you how and where someone can find you.

Aris Myrkos
Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/aris.myrkos
email: aris7tefaa@gmail.com

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